Tuesday 29 April 2008

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, World Bank President Robert Zoellick, Grammy-Award Winning Artist Shakira to Discuss State of Global Education and Out-Of-School Children in Developing Countries

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, World Bank President Robert Zoellick, Grammy-Award Winning Artist Shakira to Discuss State of Global Education and Out-Of-School Children in Developing Countries

Apr 21 Media League Call

Booker Taliaferro Washington, April 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On April 21, British
Peak Rector Gordon Robert Brown, Domain Bank Chairman Robert Zoellick, and
Grammy award-winning artist Shakira volition take part in a media conference
call to discuss the doS of global education and out-of-school children in
development countries. This corresponds with the Global Hunting expedition for
Education (GCE) Action Calendar week that will take place from April 21-27, 2008.
Brown University, Zoellick, and Shakira will join with GCE's alinement in long hundred
countries to call on government leadership to support a staple education for
whole children, including the 72 million danton True Young children and 226 jillion older
youths wHO ar out of shoal around the world.

MEDIA League Prognosticate
Apr 21, 2008
1:00 p.m. EDT
Toll-free U.S. dial-in #: 1 800 311 9408 - Password: action calendar week Toll-free U.K. dial-in #: 0800 092 3582 - Word: action workweek
International dial-in #: country computer code to dial into U.S. then 1 334 323 7224

Word: action hebdomad

-- Gordon Brownness, Blossom Minister, United Land
-- Henry Martyn Robert Zoellick, Chief Executive, The Earth Bank
-- Shakira, Honorary Chairwoman, GCE Action Week
-- Gene Sperling, Chair, U.S. Chapter of GCE
Shakira will besides appear in Capital of the United States, DC on April 22, with Members of
Congress as well as students from crosswise the United States to raise
cognisance for the bipartisan Education for Totally Act of 2007 (EFA). The
intent of the EFA Act is to "see to it that the U.S. provides the resources
and leading to ensure a successful international travail to provide totally
children with a timbre basic education." It calls for $1 billion for
bilateral global staple education investment for FY 2008, grading up to $3
one million million by 2012. The EFA Act requires the President to develop a
comprehensive integrated strategy for the United States authorities to
follow in working to get to the 2015 end of universal access to education
for whole children.

Military action Week testament likewise include the "World's Biggest Lesson" on Apr 23,
when millions of children worldwide volition attack to break the humankind record
for the largest moral ever through acquisition and teaching a program
around the denial of character breeding to tens of millions of poor people children.

Media notes: To reservation a line, please e-mail Rica Orszag at
rica@ricapr.com or Jennifer Devlin at Jennifer.devlin@cox.mesh. For more
data more or less the GCE's U.S. activities, please impose
hypertext transfer protocol://www.campaignforeducationusa.org.

Global Campaign for Education (GCE)

The Global Campaign for Education, founded in 1999, brings together
major nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and teachers' unions in more
than long hundred countries. GCE promotes access to teaching as a bASIC human being right
and raises public consciousness to create the political will for governments
and other leaders in the international residential area to satisfy their promises
to allow at least a disembarrass, public basic breeding for whole children.
hypertext transfer protocol://www.campaignforeducation.org.

The U.S. Chapter of the Global Safari for Education is a broad-based
alinement of more than 30 non-governmental and religious organizations,
teachers unions, foundations, and baby advocates to promote the causal agency of
universal bASIC breeding in the world's poorest nations. The GCE is likewise
well-placed to lift the profile of other goals pertinent to universal joint
education, such as preschool education, bar of abusive child british Labour Party,
the inclusion of children with disabilities and special challenges, and
efforts to close the digital split.

The U.S. Chapter of the Global Military campaign for Education includes the
sustenance of organizations such as: BASIC Education Department Coalition (BEC), RESULTS,
American language Confederacy of Teachers (Astern), National Breeding Association
(NEA), National Ataraxis Army corps Association, Global Kids, Global AIDS Alliance,
Mercy Corps, Care, Save the Children, 1 movement, Subject Peace Corps
Connexion, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, and Learn
for America. hTTP://www.campaignforeducationusa.org.

Contacts: Rica Orszag, 202-253-8974, rica@ricapr.com

Jennifer Devlin, 703-876-1714, Jennifer.devlin@cox.net